While I may be upset if my office desktop operates at 256MHz and 512MB RAM which was state of the art in 2001 or I relocate to a place where I have access to only 256 kbps Internet speed, for last three decades, we have no choice but to be contended with the speed of traveling which didn't improve at all. Time to reach Paris from New York can not be any better because chemical jet propulsion technology can not deliver any further improvement in air travel speed. Thus, we are left with a peak speed of around thousand miles per hour in air travel which has been stagnated for almost last three decades.
If we scrutinize what held us back to increase the speed of the Jets further, it is definitely air drag or friction from the air. Air resistance increases exponentially as speed of the Jet shoots up. Therefore, in the free space, where air density is .000000000000000001% of the Earth, rockets still can move as fast as 25,000 miles per hour. Thus, need of the hour is to discover a transport system that would move in vacuum to get rid of air drag which primarily limit the speed of transport either in Jet plane or Bullet train.
An inventor from Southern California Yon Friedmann solved this problem for which he has been granted US patent #7,114,882 ( Details of the patent is available here)
Basically he has extremely simple idea which would invite further Engineering challenges but in principle, we are already at the state of the art for most parts of this new technology which he calls as Aqua Terra transport system. In short, it is a tunnel train that employs two basic technology-magnetic levitation to float the train in air and then the whole tunnel is depressurized or reduced to vacuum which is close to free space condition. When these two technologies are combined, a bullet train can move as fast as 14,000 miles per hour. At present highest speed of bullet train that runs on magnetic levitation is limited to 500 miles per hour due to air drag.
Biplab : Can you imagine you are traveling from New York to Delhi in two hours? Does it sound like a fiction? Not really. Yon Friedmann, an MBA, former banker, investment banker, teacher, entrepreneur, and innovator from Southern California recently got a patent approved for a planetary transportation system invention that would enable us to travel at 14,000 mile/hour. This system is apparently to be housed in the oceans, connected to land and extended across our entire planet as one completely self contained system.
Today we are fortunate to have Yon as our guest in our FOSAAC Radio Buzz program.
So Yon, please tell us about your revolutionary concept of the Aqua-Terra planetary transport system that would establish twelve oceanic-based Aqua Stations that would connect to each other by a tube link network that floats below the surface of the water and also connects to continental land masses and thus, will form a complete and hyper-speed planetary transportation system for all of our use.
Yon: I would first like to thank you and your audience for the opportunity to present and discuss this oceanic and land-connected aqua-terra planetary transport system which will also serve as an international economic prosperity program.
If those listening have Internet access, please view the patented web site at www.invention.net/aquaterra so that you may view the physical concept simultaneously with this broadcast.
In response to your question, the Aqua-Terra planetary transport system is basically a hybrid transport system combining two applications.
First, a vacuum system like those found in some bank buildings and other like places where one puts the cylinder container into the vacuum tube system and it is sucked-up and sent to another location within the bank or facility. I’m sure many of you know what I am talking about.
The second aspect of this transport system is the electromagnetic element much like the ones used by meg-lift trains that are located in different regions of our world. The idea being, creating an electromagnetic field to levitate an object like a train off a rail-track and therefore, there is no direct contact / friction from a track and wheel contact, thus, allowing the object or train to move at greater speeds.
However, do realize that unlike the Aqua-Terra system, the current meg-lift train systems, for example, still experience friction from the air, wind and other possible climactic issues that cause friction, risk and possible damage to the present physical system. The Aqua-Terra system is self contained in its own environment and is not subject to climate changes.
This hybrid transportation system will allow us to transport, via a cylinder container or capsule, cargo and later passengers within the tube-link network at great speeds, reaching several thousand miles per hour.
Do realize that we as human beings have already and continue to travel at this great velocity with our space shuttle program, as one example, traveling at 17,000+/- mph. Thus, we are already somewhat experienced in this hyper speed arena.
The Aqua-Terra transport system is basically taking the outer space environment (a vacuum), adding a levitation principle (electro-magnetic) to create an arena whereby a container/capsule can travel within this confined tube-link arena at these very high speeds allowing us the potential of going around the entire world in two hours at 13,000 mph.
Biplab: These Aqua stations which will float in the sea and for which you have a patent - will it be facing what engineering challenges? Why Islands are not being used as junction station? Why do you want to build these mini cities over ocean?
Yon: It is true that the engineering for this project is no simple matter however there is nothing that cannot be solved by our global scientific community, many of which will be working and solving many issues facing this undertaking. Do realize that the United States put a man on the moon within nine years from ground zero with no previous experience.
This Aqua-Terra project is no different accept it will effect not only the United States but many if not all nations that choose to participate. We are seeking participation from any and all persons or enterprises having interest in participating in the engineering aspect of this project and welcome all submissions.
In response to your question about the city stations known as the Aqua Stations to be used as junction stations, I would say that this would not work because it would remain dependent on the current inefficient and environmentally damaging oceanic shipping system that currently handle 80% of the world’s trade. Also, this aqua-terra system is to remain free from any single governmental authority since it will operate as a public company in international waters.
The Aqua-Terra planetary transport system utilizes a one system idea that is completely self contained and efficient producing all things to sustain life and provide an arena for a hyper speed transport system to accommodate global trade and economic prosperity at an accelerated speed.
Biplab : How will the project be financed? Did you contact the Government? How the general investors can invest into your company? Is it on private memorandum? Are you thinking of a public-private venture?
Yon: The financing for this project is also somewhat unusual primarily because of the size of this undertaking being $1.2 Trillion. Currently we are considering the usual financing process of first a PPM to be followed by an IPO and finally a debt/bond issue covering the actual cost of building the entire system.
The amounts needed for each step has not yet been finally determined however, the largest portion for the actual construction of these Aqua and Terra stations ($1.1 Trillion) will be raised from the private and public sectors using a long term convertible Government Guarantee Bond (GGB) issue program, for example, whereby all nations of the world will be invited to participate, first by way of an international summit or invitational presentation to the UN.
Both of these options are still to be organized and are intended to be discussed in more detail at that time. Ultimately, each will be asked to provide their Nation’s guarantee on the GGB debt issue instrument that will be backed by insurance and all of the assets of Aqua-Terra Planetary Holdings.
In this way, the government guarantees are merely a formality but necessary element in securing funding from the international investment community and are likely not to be called on based on the securities backing these Bonds and likely conversion by bond holders into common stock at some point in the future.
If bonds are not converted, then there shall be more than sufficient cash flow from the cargo and passenger transport business to cover repayment of this debt if and when necessary.
In return for their proportional guarantees, each participating nation will receive various dividends from the transport system’s operation and profits as realized above and beyond the mass employment vehicle created for their citizens. More on this idea is found at the project www.invention.net/aqauterra web site whereby a portion of equity interest is assigned to participating nations.
In response to the question regarding any governmental involvement, the answer is not yet. This radio program today is the first time that this project is being exposed and broadcasted on a mass scale. The idea being to have as many persons and nations hear this information so that mass consciousness may be attained. Back in 1983 when the idea first came to mind, it was presented too many nations through their counsel general offices in Los Angeles, CA to determine if there was an interest for such an idea and if it had any potential.
The responses were overwhelmingly positive and some provided letters to that effect. However, in 1983, the technology, money and myself were not ready to undertake this project, so knowingly, I knew I would have to wait for nearly twenty years to complete my educational credentials and then rekindle this idea, which occurred in the year 2000 AD, and this time, was to be patented, which was accomplished and attained in 2006.
For now, it is important that all listening to this program or reading this text today contact their government leaders to review this project idea and contact us through FOSAAC to establish an indication of interest. This project cannot be done without the cooperation and participation of all nations.
The end result will greatly benefit all participating nations not only by providing mass employment for their people not only for the near term, but for hundreds if not one thousand years thereafter.
Additionally, all participating nation’s people will be educated and trained in areas necessary to construct and operate the Aqua and Terra stations. All nations will also share in the financial gains from the transport business that is realized from this undertaking and because of their support.
The financing and participation of individuals and institutional investors may be through a PPM, IPO, or possibly through a private format. Having said this, we are eager to receive indications of interest to determine the best approach to take based on responses and then we will contact all those who have indicated an interest to participate.
Please understand that no promises or guarantees are implied by this financing program because risk always exists in all aspects of life as is the case with this or any project. However, Aqua-Terra management will take all steps necessary to assure transparency of operations and security to investors and all stakeholders. So the answer to the question is yes, financing will be attained from the private and public sectors in addition to involvement of nations, primarily because of the size and magnitude of this project.
Biplab: What is the time line you are looking at for a working prototype of Aqua-station?
Yon: Yes, it is true that this project, as is said in economics, is a global demand generating vehicle that will actually create and employ millions of persons for hundreds if not one thousand years or so.
By constructing the Aqua and Terra stations simultaneously in many nations, all participating nations will economically benefit almost immediately and directly from the labor needs of the Aqua-Terra project and more so when the entire system is completed and needs to be maintained.
Also realize that after the completion of the oceanic Aqua Station system and connecting Terra stations on the coastlines of many nations, more Terra stations will be constructed within the land masses as is illustrated by the drawing following the patent schematics at the Aqua-Terra invention web site.
As you will notice, the entire continental land-mass of India, Africa, USA, China, will be united internally with no need to build long-distance roads as already exists with the so called first world nations. Other continents like Australia will also be united by this Aqua-Terra system when they choose.
It is not practical to build roads to cover the land mass in these huge areas. But a hyper-speed system will create a network web that unites the subject nation while connecting to all regions of global society via the Aqua-Terra system. Do realize that the construction of the internal Terra station on the land masses will further provide mass employment and economic prosperity for a very long time.
It is also true, as you say, that this project will revolutionize not only how we transport cargo and persons, but will also provide us with a beginning of economic prosperity for the international community for a very long time and with no nation left behind.
These Aqua and Terra stations will also provide us all with a safety net in case of a cataclysmic event on the physical Earth that is beyond our control like climate changes that cause oceanic waters to rise, drought, famine or asteroid/meteor like object that may penetrate our atmosphere and strike the Earth’s surface causing great damage and loss of life as has occurred and documented in the historical past of our planet.
At this time, we do not have such a safety net to protect us and assure our Human continuation in case of such a cataclysmic event which, as stated previously, has occurred in our recent and ancient past. To begin such a project after a cataclysm is not likely to occur since the damage to the Earth and people may be beyond repair.
On the other hand, when we complete the Aqua-Terra system, we will no longer be subject to climate changes, drought, famine or anything alike since water, food, shelter, and all will be created and provided by the Aqua and Terra stations to be transported almost immediately to any region of the planet where people may need assistance.
It is also true that at the speeds anticipated by this Aqua-Terra transport system, cargo and persons will be able to literally time travel on the physical Earth plane whereby they may leave Los Angeles and arrive in New York say in 21 minutes for a breakfast meeting and reach Delhi or China for lunch (tomorrow’s date) and return to Los Angeles in the same day for dinner, or, travel the other way (west) first, thus getting home before tomorrow. This will clearly make the world appear much smaller and more united.
The message to governments is to join in as soon as possible with their written commitment to participate. A declaration from the UN would also be of great assistance since this is the only collective representing the people for all nations.
We all know that the UN has had limited power, if any, but has served us all as a forum for discussions in the interest of keeping peace in the world and attending to needy nations. With Aqua-Terra, there will eventually be no needy nations and all of us will prosper together and in the interest of the collective humanity.
Biplab: Building this Aqua-Terra transport system within the oceanic system with its stations across the globe and tube-links below the surface may endanger marine life and possibly the environment, especially if the waste is not managed properly. I saw your patent had extensive ideas of how to recycle these waste almost in similar fashion of space station. Can you please speak brief on this?
Yon: Of course. Do understand that this Aqua-Terra transport system is not a train tunnel deep in the oceans but in fact is a sub-surface floating system. For example, the upper portion of the seven (7) mile in diameter Aqua station is above the surface and the cone like bottom reaches to 800 feet below the surface.
These Aqua stations are in fact mini-cities that float while creating a great deal of real estate to develop much of which is discussed at the Aqua-Terra web site. The structure and nature of the Aqua and Terra stations is to be entirely self-sufficient, independent and extremely environmentally friendly.
One of the considerations of this project is to assure that all life, including marine life, is respected and protected.
In that regard, each Aqua station is surrounded by a two mile perimeter also called the ‘catch’ and netting complex around and beneath the Aqua stations that will keep marine life out of harms way and away from station activities while allowing the station’s occupants to safely enjoy the environment and all amenities created by this planetary transport project.
Additionally and as you mentioned, the Aqua-Terra system is designed to recycle all waste for re-use in some way. There will be no pollution of the seas at any time. In fact, there will be no more taking from our Earth since all things will be produced and distributed on and from these stations to include water, food, clothing, etc. when needed and for trade.
The environment is the first and primary consideration to all things done since all of our livelihoods may depend on it, at some time in the future.
So, in conclusion, for now, it is greatly appreciated that the opportunity has been given to provide you all with this information. We are certainly aware that some objections may come to this Aqua-Terra project from those wishing to maintain there position and power in this world.
However, it appears that as of today, we have all reached a point in our economic and social evolution that will require us to cooperate with each other to achieve a greater economic and prosperous society and most importantly, secure our humanity’s future because there is no one who will do this for us, we must to it for ourselves and for those who come after us.
When continents and leaders of nations from India, Asia, Africa, Europe, USA and all others realize that in fact we all occupy the same time and space and have more in common then not, perhaps then many of us, if not all, will act as a united people rather then separate from each other and all that is.
Thus, all are invited to join-in to this Aqua-Terra project. I would like to also take this opportunity to wish you all good health and prosperity for all this life time. Look forward to any questions or comments.
And again, thank you all for sharing your day and time with us today.
I was talking to Yon on his invention and he was kind enough to answer my questions to provide more details on his innovation.
Text of interview is presented to the readers:
Biplab : Can you imagine you are traveling from New York to Delhi in two hours? Does it sound like a fiction? Not really. Yon Friedmann, an MBA, former banker, investment banker, teacher, entrepreneur, and innovator from Southern California recently got a patent approved for a planetary transportation system invention that would enable us to travel at 14,000 mile/hour. This system is apparently to be housed in the oceans, connected to land and extended across our entire planet as one completely self contained system.
Today we are fortunate to have Yon as our guest in our FOSAAC Radio Buzz program.
So Yon, please tell us about your revolutionary concept of the Aqua-Terra planetary transport system that would establish twelve oceanic-based Aqua Stations that would connect to each other by a tube link network that floats below the surface of the water and also connects to continental land masses and thus, will form a complete and hyper-speed planetary transportation system for all of our use.
Yon: I would first like to thank you and your audience for the opportunity to present and discuss this oceanic and land-connected aqua-terra planetary transport system which will also serve as an international economic prosperity program.
If those listening have Internet access, please view the patented web site at www.invention.net/aquaterra so that you may view the physical concept simultaneously with this broadcast.
In response to your question, the Aqua-Terra planetary transport system is basically a hybrid transport system combining two applications.
First, a vacuum system like those found in some bank buildings and other like places where one puts the cylinder container into the vacuum tube system and it is sucked-up and sent to another location within the bank or facility. I’m sure many of you know what I am talking about.
The second aspect of this transport system is the electromagnetic element much like the ones used by meg-lift trains that are located in different regions of our world. The idea being, creating an electromagnetic field to levitate an object like a train off a rail-track and therefore, there is no direct contact / friction from a track and wheel contact, thus, allowing the object or train to move at greater speeds.
However, do realize that unlike the Aqua-Terra system, the current meg-lift train systems, for example, still experience friction from the air, wind and other possible climactic issues that cause friction, risk and possible damage to the present physical system. The Aqua-Terra system is self contained in its own environment and is not subject to climate changes.
This hybrid transportation system will allow us to transport, via a cylinder container or capsule, cargo and later passengers within the tube-link network at great speeds, reaching several thousand miles per hour.
Do realize that we as human beings have already and continue to travel at this great velocity with our space shuttle program, as one example, traveling at 17,000+/- mph. Thus, we are already somewhat experienced in this hyper speed arena.
The Aqua-Terra transport system is basically taking the outer space environment (a vacuum), adding a levitation principle (electro-magnetic) to create an arena whereby a container/capsule can travel within this confined tube-link arena at these very high speeds allowing us the potential of going around the entire world in two hours at 13,000 mph.
Biplab: These Aqua stations which will float in the sea and for which you have a patent - will it be facing what engineering challenges? Why Islands are not being used as junction station? Why do you want to build these mini cities over ocean?
Yon: It is true that the engineering for this project is no simple matter however there is nothing that cannot be solved by our global scientific community, many of which will be working and solving many issues facing this undertaking. Do realize that the United States put a man on the moon within nine years from ground zero with no previous experience.
This Aqua-Terra project is no different accept it will effect not only the United States but many if not all nations that choose to participate. We are seeking participation from any and all persons or enterprises having interest in participating in the engineering aspect of this project and welcome all submissions.
In response to your question about the city stations known as the Aqua Stations to be used as junction stations, I would say that this would not work because it would remain dependent on the current inefficient and environmentally damaging oceanic shipping system that currently handle 80% of the world’s trade. Also, this aqua-terra system is to remain free from any single governmental authority since it will operate as a public company in international waters.
The Aqua-Terra planetary transport system utilizes a one system idea that is completely self contained and efficient producing all things to sustain life and provide an arena for a hyper speed transport system to accommodate global trade and economic prosperity at an accelerated speed.
Biplab : How will the project be financed? Did you contact the Government? How the general investors can invest into your company? Is it on private memorandum? Are you thinking of a public-private venture?
Yon: The financing for this project is also somewhat unusual primarily because of the size of this undertaking being $1.2 Trillion. Currently we are considering the usual financing process of first a PPM to be followed by an IPO and finally a debt/bond issue covering the actual cost of building the entire system.
The amounts needed for each step has not yet been finally determined however, the largest portion for the actual construction of these Aqua and Terra stations ($1.1 Trillion) will be raised from the private and public sectors using a long term convertible Government Guarantee Bond (GGB) issue program, for example, whereby all nations of the world will be invited to participate, first by way of an international summit or invitational presentation to the UN.
Both of these options are still to be organized and are intended to be discussed in more detail at that time. Ultimately, each will be asked to provide their Nation’s guarantee on the GGB debt issue instrument that will be backed by insurance and all of the assets of Aqua-Terra Planetary Holdings.
In this way, the government guarantees are merely a formality but necessary element in securing funding from the international investment community and are likely not to be called on based on the securities backing these Bonds and likely conversion by bond holders into common stock at some point in the future.
If bonds are not converted, then there shall be more than sufficient cash flow from the cargo and passenger transport business to cover repayment of this debt if and when necessary.
In return for their proportional guarantees, each participating nation will receive various dividends from the transport system’s operation and profits as realized above and beyond the mass employment vehicle created for their citizens. More on this idea is found at the project www.invention.net/aqauterra web site whereby a portion of equity interest is assigned to participating nations.
In response to the question regarding any governmental involvement, the answer is not yet. This radio program today is the first time that this project is being exposed and broadcasted on a mass scale. The idea being to have as many persons and nations hear this information so that mass consciousness may be attained. Back in 1983 when the idea first came to mind, it was presented too many nations through their counsel general offices in Los Angeles, CA to determine if there was an interest for such an idea and if it had any potential.
The responses were overwhelmingly positive and some provided letters to that effect. However, in 1983, the technology, money and myself were not ready to undertake this project, so knowingly, I knew I would have to wait for nearly twenty years to complete my educational credentials and then rekindle this idea, which occurred in the year 2000 AD, and this time, was to be patented, which was accomplished and attained in 2006.
For now, it is important that all listening to this program or reading this text today contact their government leaders to review this project idea and contact us through FOSAAC to establish an indication of interest. This project cannot be done without the cooperation and participation of all nations.
The end result will greatly benefit all participating nations not only by providing mass employment for their people not only for the near term, but for hundreds if not one thousand years thereafter.
Additionally, all participating nation’s people will be educated and trained in areas necessary to construct and operate the Aqua and Terra stations. All nations will also share in the financial gains from the transport business that is realized from this undertaking and because of their support.
The financing and participation of individuals and institutional investors may be through a PPM, IPO, or possibly through a private format. Having said this, we are eager to receive indications of interest to determine the best approach to take based on responses and then we will contact all those who have indicated an interest to participate.
Please understand that no promises or guarantees are implied by this financing program because risk always exists in all aspects of life as is the case with this or any project. However, Aqua-Terra management will take all steps necessary to assure transparency of operations and security to investors and all stakeholders. So the answer to the question is yes, financing will be attained from the private and public sectors in addition to involvement of nations, primarily because of the size and magnitude of this project.
Biplab: What is the time line you are looking at for a working prototype of Aqua-station?
Yon: The time-line for establishing this oceanic to land transport system is between twelve and eighteen years, depending on the level of participation and cooperation of nations. The science and technology already exists and it is simply a matter of joining these elements into one working system as is intended by the Aqua-Terra project.
Building a prototype in this case is futile since the design of this system is for a global arena and not just a region. Additionally, realize that the basic science of vacuum and levitation already exists. However, it has not been put together in this way.
Therefore, the completion of the R&D, lasting approximately 2-3 years, will be very instrumental in determining the detail of the science, materials, technology, and all aspects of the system needed to be addressed. In that regard, we are inviting any and all nations, companies, and persons working on technology that might be complimentary to aspects of this project to join in. Those who are interested and have a contribution to make, please contact FOSAAC to be considered and informed.
Biplab: You are talking about making our shipping system completely obsolete. Will they not lobby against you and this project in the Government? Or do you think they will be partnering with you?
Building a prototype in this case is futile since the design of this system is for a global arena and not just a region. Additionally, realize that the basic science of vacuum and levitation already exists. However, it has not been put together in this way.
Therefore, the completion of the R&D, lasting approximately 2-3 years, will be very instrumental in determining the detail of the science, materials, technology, and all aspects of the system needed to be addressed. In that regard, we are inviting any and all nations, companies, and persons working on technology that might be complimentary to aspects of this project to join in. Those who are interested and have a contribution to make, please contact FOSAAC to be considered and informed.
Biplab: You are talking about making our shipping system completely obsolete. Will they not lobby against you and this project in the Government? Or do you think they will be partnering with you?
Yon: In regards to making the shipping industry obsolete, the answer is no. All shipping companies are invited to join in and participate as they should choose. Please understand that this project does not wish to or intends to put anyone out of business and in particular the shipping industry.
The only thing that will change for them is the method used to transport cargo from their slow, costly, and environmentally damaging ships to the new Aqua-Terra hyper-speed cylinder / capsules that they will be able to lease for 99 years or purchase.
The benefits to shippers includes lower cost in operations because of the safety of the Aqua-Terra system bringing lower insurance premiums which is a major factor of shipping costs in today’s arena and because of no more risk of cargo falling overboard or being damaged by climate conditions, or hijacked by pirates.
Thus, with these benefits, we would think that the shipping industry would be very supportive and invest heavily into this transport system which clearly will eventually be their industry’s next generation of transport methodology to replace the currently slow and damaging systems.
In short, we welcome everyone's participation and in particular the shipping industry who will most greatly be affected and benefit from this Aqua-Terra project.
Biplab: This project can employ tens of millions of people and provides a transport system that will revolutionize the whole world. It's amazing to be able to have breakfast in New York and then lunch in Delhi. What is your message to respective Government?
The only thing that will change for them is the method used to transport cargo from their slow, costly, and environmentally damaging ships to the new Aqua-Terra hyper-speed cylinder / capsules that they will be able to lease for 99 years or purchase.
The benefits to shippers includes lower cost in operations because of the safety of the Aqua-Terra system bringing lower insurance premiums which is a major factor of shipping costs in today’s arena and because of no more risk of cargo falling overboard or being damaged by climate conditions, or hijacked by pirates.
Thus, with these benefits, we would think that the shipping industry would be very supportive and invest heavily into this transport system which clearly will eventually be their industry’s next generation of transport methodology to replace the currently slow and damaging systems.
In short, we welcome everyone's participation and in particular the shipping industry who will most greatly be affected and benefit from this Aqua-Terra project.
Biplab: This project can employ tens of millions of people and provides a transport system that will revolutionize the whole world. It's amazing to be able to have breakfast in New York and then lunch in Delhi. What is your message to respective Government?
Yon: Yes, it is true that this project, as is said in economics, is a global demand generating vehicle that will actually create and employ millions of persons for hundreds if not one thousand years or so.
By constructing the Aqua and Terra stations simultaneously in many nations, all participating nations will economically benefit almost immediately and directly from the labor needs of the Aqua-Terra project and more so when the entire system is completed and needs to be maintained.
Also realize that after the completion of the oceanic Aqua Station system and connecting Terra stations on the coastlines of many nations, more Terra stations will be constructed within the land masses as is illustrated by the drawing following the patent schematics at the Aqua-Terra invention web site.
As you will notice, the entire continental land-mass of India, Africa, USA, China, will be united internally with no need to build long-distance roads as already exists with the so called first world nations. Other continents like Australia will also be united by this Aqua-Terra system when they choose.
It is not practical to build roads to cover the land mass in these huge areas. But a hyper-speed system will create a network web that unites the subject nation while connecting to all regions of global society via the Aqua-Terra system. Do realize that the construction of the internal Terra station on the land masses will further provide mass employment and economic prosperity for a very long time.
It is also true, as you say, that this project will revolutionize not only how we transport cargo and persons, but will also provide us with a beginning of economic prosperity for the international community for a very long time and with no nation left behind.
These Aqua and Terra stations will also provide us all with a safety net in case of a cataclysmic event on the physical Earth that is beyond our control like climate changes that cause oceanic waters to rise, drought, famine or asteroid/meteor like object that may penetrate our atmosphere and strike the Earth’s surface causing great damage and loss of life as has occurred and documented in the historical past of our planet.
At this time, we do not have such a safety net to protect us and assure our Human continuation in case of such a cataclysmic event which, as stated previously, has occurred in our recent and ancient past. To begin such a project after a cataclysm is not likely to occur since the damage to the Earth and people may be beyond repair.
On the other hand, when we complete the Aqua-Terra system, we will no longer be subject to climate changes, drought, famine or anything alike since water, food, shelter, and all will be created and provided by the Aqua and Terra stations to be transported almost immediately to any region of the planet where people may need assistance.
It is also true that at the speeds anticipated by this Aqua-Terra transport system, cargo and persons will be able to literally time travel on the physical Earth plane whereby they may leave Los Angeles and arrive in New York say in 21 minutes for a breakfast meeting and reach Delhi or China for lunch (tomorrow’s date) and return to Los Angeles in the same day for dinner, or, travel the other way (west) first, thus getting home before tomorrow. This will clearly make the world appear much smaller and more united.
The message to governments is to join in as soon as possible with their written commitment to participate. A declaration from the UN would also be of great assistance since this is the only collective representing the people for all nations.
We all know that the UN has had limited power, if any, but has served us all as a forum for discussions in the interest of keeping peace in the world and attending to needy nations. With Aqua-Terra, there will eventually be no needy nations and all of us will prosper together and in the interest of the collective humanity.
Biplab: Building this Aqua-Terra transport system within the oceanic system with its stations across the globe and tube-links below the surface may endanger marine life and possibly the environment, especially if the waste is not managed properly. I saw your patent had extensive ideas of how to recycle these waste almost in similar fashion of space station. Can you please speak brief on this?
Yon: Of course. Do understand that this Aqua-Terra transport system is not a train tunnel deep in the oceans but in fact is a sub-surface floating system. For example, the upper portion of the seven (7) mile in diameter Aqua station is above the surface and the cone like bottom reaches to 800 feet below the surface.
These Aqua stations are in fact mini-cities that float while creating a great deal of real estate to develop much of which is discussed at the Aqua-Terra web site. The structure and nature of the Aqua and Terra stations is to be entirely self-sufficient, independent and extremely environmentally friendly.
One of the considerations of this project is to assure that all life, including marine life, is respected and protected.
In that regard, each Aqua station is surrounded by a two mile perimeter also called the ‘catch’ and netting complex around and beneath the Aqua stations that will keep marine life out of harms way and away from station activities while allowing the station’s occupants to safely enjoy the environment and all amenities created by this planetary transport project.
Additionally and as you mentioned, the Aqua-Terra system is designed to recycle all waste for re-use in some way. There will be no pollution of the seas at any time. In fact, there will be no more taking from our Earth since all things will be produced and distributed on and from these stations to include water, food, clothing, etc. when needed and for trade.
The environment is the first and primary consideration to all things done since all of our livelihoods may depend on it, at some time in the future.
So, in conclusion, for now, it is greatly appreciated that the opportunity has been given to provide you all with this information. We are certainly aware that some objections may come to this Aqua-Terra project from those wishing to maintain there position and power in this world.
However, it appears that as of today, we have all reached a point in our economic and social evolution that will require us to cooperate with each other to achieve a greater economic and prosperous society and most importantly, secure our humanity’s future because there is no one who will do this for us, we must to it for ourselves and for those who come after us.
When continents and leaders of nations from India, Asia, Africa, Europe, USA and all others realize that in fact we all occupy the same time and space and have more in common then not, perhaps then many of us, if not all, will act as a united people rather then separate from each other and all that is.
Thus, all are invited to join-in to this Aqua-Terra project. I would like to also take this opportunity to wish you all good health and prosperity for all this life time. Look forward to any questions or comments.
And again, thank you all for sharing your day and time with us today.